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(2001). Advanced Control Engineering BURNS, T. E. (2002). Serious Incident Prevention (2nd ed.) BURYAKOVSKY, L. A. (2001). Petroleum Geology of the South Caspian Basin CHEREMISINOFF, N. P. (2000). Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment CHEREMISINOFF, N. P. (2000). Handbook of Hazardous Chemical Properties CHEREMISINOFF, N. P. (2002). Handbook of Air Pollution Prevention and Control CHEREMISINOFF, N. P. (2002). Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies CHHABRA, R. P. (1999). Non-Newtonian Flow in the Process Industries CHIN, W. C. (2000). Computational Rheology for Pipeline and Annular Flow CHIN, W. C. (2002). Quantitative Methods in Reservoir Engineering CIVAN, F. (2000). Reservoir Formation Damage - Fundamentals, Modeling, Assessment, and Mitigation COKER, A. K. (2001). Modeling of Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design DARLEY, H. C. H. (1988). Composition and Properties of Drilling and Completion Fluids (5th ed.) DAVENPORT, W. G. (2002). Extractive Metallurgy of Copper (4th ed.) ECKHOFF, R. K. (2003). Dust Explosions in the Process Industries (3rd ed.) EL-HALWAGI, M. M. (1997). Pollution Prevention through Process Integration - Systematic Design Tools EL-MAHALLAWY, F. (2002). Fundamentals and Technology of Combustion FANCHI, J. R. (2000). Principles of Applied Reservoir Simulation (2nd ed.) FLORCZAK, C. M. (2001). Hazardous Waste Compliance FOLEY, H. C. (2002). An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Analysis Using MATHEMATICA FULLWOOD, R. R. (1999). Probabilistic Safety Assessment in the Chemical and Nuclear Industries GIBILARO, L. G. (2001). Fluidization Dynamics - A Predictive Theory GOODFELLOW, H. (2001). Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook GRACE, R. D. (1994). Advanced Blowout and Well Control JONES, A. G. (2002). Crystallization Process Systems KLETZ, T. A. (1998). What Went Wrong - Case Histories of Process Plant Disasters (4th ed.) KLETZ, T. A. (2001). Learning from Accidents (3rd ed.) ELSEVIER Referex Engineering, Complete Collection Chemical/Petrochemical and Process Collection Volume 2/7: ChemE2 KLENIN, V. J. (1999). Thermodynamics of Systems Containing Flexible-Chain Polymers KOHL, A. L. (1997). Gas Purification (5th ed.) LAPEYROUSE, N. J. (2002). Formulas and Calculations for Drilling, Production, and Workover (2nd ed.) LEES, F. P. (1995). Loss Prevention in the Process Industries (2nd ed.) (3 vols.) LOBANOFF, V. S. (1992). Centrifugal Pumps - Design and Application (2nd ed.) LUDWIG, E. E. (2001). Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants (3rd ed.) (3 vols.) LUETTGENS, G. (1997). Electrostatic Hazards LYONS, W. C. (1996). Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (2 vols.) MARTIN, W. F. (2000). Hazardous Waste Handbook for Health and Safety (3rd ed.) MATAR, S. (2000). Chemistry of Petrochemical Processes (2nd ed.) MCALLISTER, E. W. (2001). Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook (5th ed.) MOSS, D. R. (2003). Pressure Vessel Design Manual (3rd ed.) MUHLBAUER, W. K. (2004). Pipeline Risk Management Manual - Ideas, Techniques, and Resources (3rd ed.) MULLIN, J. W. (2001). Crystallization (4th ed.) MURRAY, R. L. (2000). Nuclear Energy - An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems, etc. (5th ed.) NELSON, R. A. (2001). Geologic Analysis of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (2nd ed.) PAGE, J. S. (1999). Estimator's Piping Man-Hour Manual (5th ed.) PARISHER, R. A. (2001). Pipe Drafting and Design (2nd ed.) PARKER, M. E. (1984). Pipe Line Corrosion and Cathodic Protection (3rd ed.) POCIUS, A. V. (2002). Adhesion Science and Engineering (2 vols.) RANADE, V. V. (2001). Computational Flow Modeling for Chemical Reactor Engineering RATNER, B. D. (1996). Biomaterials Science - An Introduction to Materials in Medicine REIS, J. C. (1996). Environmental Control in Petroleum Engineering RICHARDSON, J. F. (2001). Coulson & Richardson's Chemical Engineering Volume 4 RICHARDSON, J. F. (2002). Coulson & Richardson's Chemical Engineering Volume 2 (5th ed.) ROBINSON, L. (1999). Shale Shakers and Drilling Fluid Systems SADEGHBEIGI, R. (2000). Fluid Catalytic Cracking Handbook (2nd ed.) SANDERS, R. E. (1999). Chemical Process Safety - Learning from Case Histories SANKS, R. L. (1998). Pumping Station Design (2nd ed.) SHAW, D. J. (1992). Introduction to Colloid and Surface Chemistry (4th ed.) ELSEVIER Referex Engineering, Complete Collection Chemical/Petrochemical and Process Collection Volume 3/7: ChemE3 ABELL, M. L. (1993). MATHEMATICA By Example (rev. ed.) BEJAN, A. (2003). Heat Transfer Handbook BIRD, R. B. (2001). Transport Phenomena (2nd ed.) CLAYDEN, J. (2001). Organic Chemistry DARBY, R. (2001). Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics (2nd ed.) GRAY, J. W. (1994). Mastering MATHEMATICA - Programming methods and applications KARRIS, S. T. (2004). Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Spreadsheets (2nd ed.) KREITH, F. (1999). The CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering MAEDER, R. E. (1999). Computer Science with MATHEMATICA RICE, R. G. (1994). Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers ROBBINS, A. H. (2003). Circuit Analysis - Theory and Practice (3rd ed.) SHREIR, L. L. (1993). Corrosion (3rd ed.) (2 vols.) SMITH, R. (2005). Chemical Process Design and Integration SORENSEN, B. (2003). Renewable Energy (3rd ed.) STOLEN, S. (2003). Chemical Thermodynamics of Materials - Macroscopic and Microscopic Aspects SVAROVSKY, L. (2000). Solid-Liquid Separation (4th ed.) TIAB, D. (2004). Petrophysics - Theory and Practice of Measuring Reservoir Rock Properties etc. (2nd ed.) TIRATSOO, J. N. H. (1991). Pipeline Pigging Technology (2nd ed.) TOSUN, I. (2002). Modelling in Transport Phenomena - A Conceptual Approach UPP, E. L. (2001). Fluid Flow Measurement - A Practical Guide to Accurate Flow Measurement (2nd ed.) URBEN, P. G. (1999). Bretherick's Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards (6th ed.) (2 vols.) VANDOREN, V. J. (2002). Techniques for Adaptive Control VON BAECKMANN, W. (1997). Handbook of Cathodic Corrosion Protection (3rd ed.) WALAS, S. M. (1988). Chemical Process Equipment - Selection and Design WEINER, R. F. (2003). Environmental Engineering (4th ed.) WOLFRAM, Stephen (2003). The MATHEMATICA Book (5th ed.) WOODARD, F. (2000). Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook YAWS, C. L. (1996). Handbook of Thermodynamic Diagrams (4 vols.) ZAPPE, R. W. (1998). Valve Selection Handbook (4th ed.) ELSEVIER Referex Engineering, Complete Collection Mechanical and Materials Collection Volume 4/7: MechE1 ALCOCK, C. B. (2000). Thermochemical Processes - Principles and Models ASHBY, M. F. (1998). Engineering Materials (2nd ed.) (2 vols.) ASHBY, M. F. (2000). Metal Foams - A Design Guide BACHUS, L. (2003). Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps BAI, Y. (2003). Marine Structural Design BAKER, A. A. (2002). Advances in the Bonded Composite Repair of Metallic Aircraft Structure (2 vols.) BERTRAM, V. (2000). Practical Ship Hydrodynamics BIRD, J. (2003). Engineering Mathematics (4th ed.) BLAZEK, J. (2001). Computational Fluid Dynamics - Principles and Applications BLOCH, H. P. (1990). Machinery Component Maintenance and Repair (2nd ed.) BLOCH, H. P. (1996). Major Process Equipment Maintenance and Repair (2nd ed.) BLOCH, H. P. (1998). Improving Machinery Reliability (3rd ed.) BONNICK, A. W. M. (2001). Automotive Computer Controlled Systems - Diagnostic Tools and Techniques BOOKER, J. D. (2001). Designing Capable and Reliable Products BOYCE, M. P. (2001). Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook (2nd ed.) BRAMWELL, A. R. S. (2001). Bramwell's Helicopter Dynamics (2nd ed.) BRANDES, E. A. (1992). Smithells Metals Reference Book (7th ed.) BRANDES, E. A. (1998). Smithells Light Metals Handbook BROWN, J. R. (1999). Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman's Handbook (11th ed.) BROWN, J. R. (2000). Foseco Ferrous Foundryman's Handbook BRUNDLE, C. R. (1992). Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization - Surfaces, Interfaces, Thin Films BRYDSON, J. A. (1999). Plastics Materials (7th ed.) BURCHELL, T. D. (1999). Carbon Materials for Advanced Technologies BUTLER, D. (2000). Guide to Ship Repair Estimates - In Man-Hours CAHN, R. W. (1996). Physical Metallurgy (4th ed.) (3 vols.) CAHN, R. W. (2001). The Coming of Materials Science CAMPBELL, B. A. (1996). Introduction to Space Sciences and Spacecraft Applications CAMPBELL, J. (2003). Castings - The New Metallurgy of Cast Metals (2nd ed.) CARPINTERI, A. (2003). Biaxial-Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture CARSON, P. (2002). Hazardous Chemicals Handbook (2nd ed.) CARVILL, J. (1993). Mechanical Engineer's Data Handbook CHILDS, T. (2000). Metal Machining - Theory and Applications COCKCROFT, A. N. (2004). A Guide to the Collision Avoidance Rules (6th ed.) CRAWFORD, R. J. (1998). Plastics Engineering (3rd ed.) DERRETT, D. R. (1999). Ship Stability for Masters and Mates (5th ed.) DIXON, S. L. (1998). Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery (4th ed.) ELICES M. (2002). Fiber Fracture ENDO, M. (1996). Carbon Nanotubes EYRES, D. J. (2001). Ship Construction (5th ed.) GARRETT, T. K. (2001). The Motor Vehicle (13th ed.) HALEVI, G. (2001). Handbook of Production Management Methods HEISLER, H. (2002). Advanced Vehicle Technology (2nd ed.) HODKINSON, R. (2001). Lightweight Electric Hybrid Vehicle Design HORLOCK, J. H. (2003). Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles HOUGHTON, E. L. (2002). Aerodynamics for Engineering Students (5th ed.) HOUSE, D. J. (2001). Seamanship Techniques (2nd ed.) HOYLE, D. (2000). Automotive Quality Systems Handbook HOYLE, D. (2001). ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook (4th ed.) HOYLE, D. (2003). ISO 9000_ 2000 - An A-Z Guide HUDSON, J. A. (2000). Engineering Rock Mechanics (2 vols.) JENKINSON, L. R. (2003). Aircraft Design Projects for Engineering Students JONES, D. R. H. (2001). Failure Analysis Case Studies II JUDD, S. (2003). Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Recovery and Re-Use KIM, J.-K. (1998). Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites KING, R. P. (2002). Introduction to Practical Fluid Flow KUNDU, P. K. (2001). Fluid Mechanics (2nd ed.) ELSEVIER Referex Engineering, Complete Collection Mechanical and Materials Collection Volume 5/7: MechE2 LAI, W. M. (1993). Introduction to Continuum Mechanics (3rd ed.) LESTER, A. (2003). Project Planning and Control (4th ed.) LIENGME, B. V. (2002). A Guide to Microsoft Excel 2002 for Scientists and Engineers (3rd ed.) MARCINIAK, Z. (2002). Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming (2nd ed.) MARGHITU, D. B. (2001). Mechanical Engineer's Handbook MATTHEWS, C. (2001). Aeronautical Engineer's Data Book MCFARLANE, B. (2002). Beginning AutoCAD 2002 MCFARLANE, B. (2002). Modelling with AutoCAD 2002 MCGEORGE, H. D. (1995). Marine Auxiliary Machinery (7th ed.) MEGSON, T. H. G. (1999). Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students (3rd ed.) MERCER, R. B. (2001). Industrial Control Wiring Guide (2nd ed.) MOBLEY, R. K. (1999). Root Cause Failure Analysis MOBLEY, R. K. (1999). Vibration Fundamentals MOBLEY, R. K. (2002). An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance (2nd ed.) MOBLEY, R. K. (2003). Plant Engineering Handbook MOMBER, A. W. (2002). Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures MURAKAMI, Y. (2002). Metal Fatigue - Effects of Small Defects and Nonmetallic Inclusions NEALE, M. J. (1995). The Tribology Handbook (2nd ed.) OAKLAND, J. S. (2003). Statistical Process Control (5th ed.) OHRING, M. (1991). The Materials Science of Thin Films PACEJKA, H. B. (2002). Tyre Mechanics and Vehicle Dynamics PAIDOUSSIS, M. P. (1998). Fluid-Structure Interactions - Slender Structures and Axial Flow (vol. 1) POPE, J. E. (1996). Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers RAWSON, K. J. (2001). Basic Ship Theory (5th ed.) (2 vols.) REIMPELL, J. (2001). The Automotive Chassis - Engineering Principles (2nd ed.) RIBBENS, W. B. (1997). Understanding Automotive Electronics (5th ed.) RIDLEY, J. (2002). Safety at Work (6th ed.) ROSATO, D. V. (2003). Plastics Engineered Product Design SANDLER, B.-Z. (1999). Robotics - Designing the Mechanisms for Automated Machinery (2nd ed.) SCHNEEKLUTH, H. (1998). Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy (2nd ed.) SIDERIS, M. (1998). Methods for Monitoring and Diagnosing the Efficiency of Catalytic Converters SMALLMAN, R. E. (1999). Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering - Science, Process, Application SMITH, D. J. (2001). Reliability, Maintainability and Risk - Practical Methods for Engineers (6th ed.) SMITH, E. H. (1994). Mechanical Engineer's Reference Book (12th ed.) STACHOWIAK, G. W. (2000). Engineering Tribology (2nd ed.) STOLARSKI, T. A. (1990). Tribology in Machine Design TANAKA, K. (1999). The Science and Technology of Carbon Nanotubes TAYLOR, D. A. (1996). Introduction to Marine Engineering (2nd ed.) TETLEY, L. (2001). Electronic Navigation Systems (3rd ed.) TONG, L. (2002). 3D Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites TROTT, A. R. (2000). Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (3rd ed.) TUPPER, E. C. (1996). Introduction to Naval Architecture (3rd ed.) VASILIEV, V. V. (2001). Mechanics and Analysis of Composite Materials WATSON, D. G. M. (1998). Practical Ship Design WILLMOTT, P. (2001). TPM - A Route to World-Class Performance WOODYARD, D. F. (2004). Pounder's Marine Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines (8th ed.) WU, Y.-S. (2001). Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures (vol. 1) YASUDA, E. (2003). Carbon Alloys - Novel Concepts to Develop Carbon Science and Technology YUN, L. (2000). Theory and Design of Air Cushion Craft ZIENKIEWICZ, O. C. (2000). The Finite Element Method (5th ed.) (3 vols.)
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คำค้น: | กีต้าร์โปร่ง Civan | ข้อสอบ gas turbine | แบบทดสอบ gas turbine | |