Price $19.99 iOttie One-Touch Windshield Dashboard Car Mount Holder for iPhone

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Price $19.99 iOttie One-Touch Windshield Dashboard Car Mount Holder for iPhone


Price $19.99 iOttie One-Touch Windshield Dashboard Car Mount Holder for iPhone   iOttie One-Touch Windshield Dashboard Car Mount Holder for iPhone

Buy iOttie One-Touch Windshield Dashboard Car Mount Holder for iPhone

The iOttie One-Touch Windshield Dashboard Car Mounts main focus is functionality. Its easy one-touch system allows for the mounting and releasing of the device with just the push of a finger. Thanks to its super strong extra-large suction cup, the One-Touch Car Mount sticks securely to most smooth flat surfaces, yet is still easily removable. The stickiness of the suction cup is infinite, just rinse with warm water and let air dry, then the mount is good as new. No matter if your phone is protected by a skin or a case, the iOttie One-Touch Car Mount grips securely onto your device so you can drive with confidence. Get protected. Get Going! 

ราคา: 20 บาทต้องการ: ขาย
ติดต่อ: gumafiagames  อีเมล์: 
สภาพ: ใหม่ จังหวัด: ฉะเชิงเทรา
มือถือ: -

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