idebenone 180mg

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idebenone 180mg


IDEBENONE Potent Antioxidant! Naturally Supports Creative Thinking And Well-Being! Idebenone is a cerebral stimulant that increases brain energy levels and has a rejuvenating effect on the whole body. Idebenone is a synthetic variant of one of life's most essential biochemicals, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Co Q10 is an important antioxidant component of the lipid (fatty) membranes that surround all cells, as well as the lipid membranes surrounding the various organelles ("little organs"), such as mitochondria and microsomes, inside cells. Co Q10 is also an important member of the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) within mitochondria, which are the ‘power plants’ of the cell. Most of the oxygen we breathe is used inside the electron transport chain to produce much of the ATP bioenergy that powers virtually every activity of our cells and bodies. When blood flow is seriously reduced to any part of the body - as in a heart attack, stroke, trauma, shock or chronic poor blood circulation - cellular/ mitochondrial oxygen (O2) levels quickly drop in the affected region. Free radicals quickly damage cell/organelle structure and function, as well as rapidly halt ATP energy generation by the electron transport chain. Brain and spinal cord cells are especially prone to such damage, and may be irreparably damaged or even destroyed within minutes. Studies have shown that in such circumstances Idebenone prevents the free radical damage and maintains relatively normal cell ATP levels. In short, while Idebenone can effectively substitute for Co Q10's positive and life essential functions, it doesn't have Co Q10's free radical producing feature which occurs under hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions.

ราคา: 2,200 บาทต้องการ: ขาย
ติดต่อ: NATTAWATอีเมล์: 
สภาพ: ใหม่ จังหวัด: กรุงเทพมหานคร
โทรศัพย์: 0834249090IP Address: 125.25.230.xx
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