ขายกล้อง Review Fujifilm FinePix F500EXR 16 MP CMOS Digital Camera

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ขายกล้อง Review Fujifilm FinePix F500EXR 16 MP CMOS Digital Camera


Fujifilm FinePix F500EXR 16 MP CMOS Digital Camera with Fujinon 15x Super Wide Angle Zoom Lens Fujifilm FinePix F500EXR 16 MP CMOS Digital Camera F500EXR FinePix Slim, compact digital camera with the intuitive use with advanced features, such as the CMOS of the new EXR-16-megapixel, 15x Fujinon Super Wide-angle (equivalent to 24-360mm) and 3.0-inch LCD contrast 460K high resolution, Sensor 160 - degree views. It also includes a high-speed shooting capabilities and catch the film in Full HD 1080p. The value of bringing a new level for improved picture quality and the consumer market nghyffiniau'ry Fujifilm EXR technology's unique ability to store, depending on changing light sensor to change methods. You F500EXR FinePix car EXR, and the camera does all the work for you, or you can manually select one of three methods EXR Priority: High resolution (HR) = Dynamic Range (DR), two pictures were taken, and they combine a series to give up to 1600% or high-ISO, rest. Sharp, clear lens with 15x optical zoom, despite a body that measures only 22 9mm wide, housing F500EXR FinePix Camera Fujinon wide-angle zoom lens with 15x optical super high-resolution copies of the result of a sharp angle 24mm telephoto 360mm wide. The lens is equipped with a super PCW layer, which lasts for at least the flare and ghosting, which provides the best possible image. Intelligent Image Stabilizer Long cameras to stabilize especially with 15x optical zoom F500EXR to the line more than any other, and a handshake and move a particular problem in low light and telephoto lens in a way the film. Gyro-sensor is extremely sensitive, provides Dual Image Stabilization system, a better image quality and noise spoils the pictures and films, including shooting at full 15x optical zoom or in low light. Machine operation sensor stabilization of the defeated and fees as well as acute and large arm movements, as the ISO to take steps to freeze for when no longer needed, which means that the flash with a small, sharp images at ISO 400, ISO 800 to take 1600 landscape or night. FinePix F500EXR unclear solve at least reduce the high ISO sensitivity automatically increases the shutter speed, and CMOS-type changed to the problems found with a handshake. By two smart, anti-blur is small and can . Fujifilm FinePix F500EXR Fujifilm FinePix F550EXR Fujifilm FinePix HS20

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ติดต่อ: กิตติอีเมล์: 
สภาพ: ใหม่ จังหวัด: กรุงเทพมหานคร
โทรศัพย์: 0851598 951IP Address: 183.89.194.xx
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