Dremel 300-1 24
โดย พิทยา กิจการ ปรับปรุงล่าสุดเมื่อ 30 มิ.ย. 2554.
After examining the instructables.com, I noticed that almost every man is a general Dremel. I hesitated after reading many marital problems, but this is simply to give high-speed Dremel with him. I have this tool for many months to months to steel, aluminum and cut forms of education. It is an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to enter the world of DIY.
Processing of this product is great, but I really like is the interlocking, plastic and metal, the axis is not a problem for me in the future. Another disadvantage is that the tool not to act for 20 minutes or more, or threatens to overheat. But all good DIY treatment. Another big mistake that many people that the strength of this instrument and I'm here to tell you that this is not true. Only a tool to ease and the map will speed do the rest.
Dremel 300-1 24, Barska AX11224, WORX WA3512.1, Husqvarna 7021P, Hayward SP0714T, Hayward 42016, Hayward 34029, RCA ANT751,
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ราคา: | 1,250 บาท | ต้องการ: | ขาย |
ติดต่อ: | พิทยา กิจการ | อีเมล์: |  |
สภาพ: | ใหม่
| จังหวัด: | นนทบุรี |
| | | |
โทรศัพย์: | | IP Address: | 124.121.129.xx |
มือถือ: | - | |
ที่อยู่: | 1-457 |