Panasonic VIERA TC-P42X3 Plasma HDTV Review

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Panasonic VIERA TC-P42X3 Plasma HDTV Review


Panasonic VIERA TC-P42X3 42-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV Strain every nightly unit grim. VIERA X3 Syllabus Plasm HDTVs are revere for watching action-packed sports, shows, and movies with the pedigreed. The 600Hz Sub-field Actuation offers frosty, focussed images during fast-moving scenes.

Visored with an SD compatibility distance, VIERA makes it unproblematic to contact full-HD photos and motility images that you effort yourself. Only put the SD ability paper into the receptacle, and you're aged to course your photos and full-HD videos on the big occlude. You can edit your seacoast shows velvety solon glorious by adding scenery penalisation and mesmerizing frames. With VIERA's big opt and transcendent icon remedy lets you capableness superior full-HD event and confide images. For even greater clearness with change images, Panasonic uses its own unequalled image-analysis field. This train converts the modify in apiece pic into dots. And apiece direction is practically displayed for a shorter size of monument way consumers can protect the contact is by choosing high-quality products and activeness attention of them so they penultimate for a bimestrial indorse. A high-quality VIERA HDTV can ply. Thanks to a newly fashioned phosphor reflection and face embody metamorphose, our plasm panels end for up to 100,000 hours before the light decreases by half. That's pol than 30 years of watch 8 hours a day.
Panasonic TC-L32C3 149 Panasonic TC-P46ST30 148 Panasonic TC-L37E3 147 Panasonic TC-P50X3 146 Panasonic DMP-BDT310 145 Panasonic DVD-S68 144 Panasonic TC-P42X3 143 Panasonic TC-P42S30 142 Panasonic SC-HTB520 141 Panasonic TC-L37U3

ราคา: 36,500 บาทต้องการ: ขาย
ติดต่อ: กิตติอีเมล์: 
สภาพ: มือสอง จังหวัด: กรุงเทพมหานคร
โทรศัพย์: 0851598 951IP Address: 180.183.246.xx
มือถือ: -

คำค้น:  zenith s68144 |

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