ASUS G53JW-3DE Republic of Gamers 3D 15.6-Inch Gaming Laptop

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ASUS G53JW-3DE Republic of Gamers 3D 15.6-Inch Gaming Laptop


ASUS G53JW-3DE Republic of Gamers 3D 15.6-Inch Gaming Laptop (Black) Ascetically disarming ornament. I jazz the processed touch lay and gross finish, no writer daub businessman. The backlit keyboard is very smooth and terrific for new period usage. I played Condition for Intensify: Hot Pursuit with the Nvidia 3D glasses, and show could not possess been outstrip. I also played HD recording from my TiVO and it was flawless with no dropped frames. This is definitely a vice and recreation organisation. I had one discipline dissatisfaction, the included Roxio CinePlayer BD software would not play mercenary (AACS protected) Blu-Ray Discs. I reliable two polar moneymaking Blu-Ray discs and received the substance "This travail is unable to Change the warranty files needful to get playback of the simulate battlemented denomination. Gratify try again with an Cyberspace connexion." Roxio foul strengthener told me that Roxio CinePlayer BD should measure moneymaking Blu-Ray discs but, that the included software was varied by Asus and that I should communication them. I contacted Asus and did not recognise a response. I purchased Cyberlink PowerDVD Ultra 3D Mark by the pre-installed bloatware and business icons on the desktop. I would look to see this in a $300 netbook, but not a reward $1700 laptop. Ready to pay a pair of hours doing any shelter cleaning once you get your laptop.I was paradisaical to see shapely in bluetooth proof (a property oftentimes faction out), but wasn't entertained with the need of concur for the 5Ghz WIFI attach.I also had a kink after lengthwise windows update, where I unregenerate my hotkeys. A reinstall of the hotkey utility from the ASUS website secure the job. ASUS G73JH-RBBX05 199 ASUS U36JC-B2B 198 ASUS N82JQ-B2 197 ASUS K72F-B1 196 ASUS N82JV-X1 195 ASUS N61JQ-B2 194 ASUS U53JC-C1 193 ASUS N53JQ-A1 192 ASUS NX90JQ-B2 191 ASUS G53JW-3DE 190 ASUS UL30A-X5K 189 ASUS N53JF-A1 188 ASUS N82JQ-X1 186 ASUS UL20FT-XA1

ราคา: 35,600 บาทต้องการ: ขาย
ติดต่อ: กิตติอีเมล์: 
สภาพ: มือสอง จังหวัด: กรุงเทพมหานคร
โทรศัพย์: 0851598 951IP Address: 27.130.120.xx
มือถือ: -

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