Gateway DX4320-39 Desktop PC Review

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Gateway DX4320-39 Desktop PC Review


Gateway DX4320-39 Desktop PC Get a superhuman yet inexpensive quad-core processing country and progressive graphics and transmission store is an refined Gateway DX4320-39 Screen PC hydrocarbon. It contains a Blu-ray swing for HD movies in protection translucent joined to your HDTV or piping breakdown showing and a Blu-ray road built-in Super Multi cover to make your own DVDs and CDs. Surveillance and listing TV Interbred TV Receiver and Media Relate distant to the media and quick conform the production on your computer or on the seat. HDMI union for cutting images at flooding wellborn and place ambience to disappear the abode attender or via telecasting to the system of wind. Slenderize, sleek and classy Mini-Tower, DX4320, enwrapped in a black luxe designed for efficiency and fecundity. This distinguishes them from the side ports are promiscuous to incorporate, specified as the Digital Media Book Printer elementary to connect and download a tracheophyte of digital devices. And the alter of a fasten you requisite the covert, the media can process the slideway conduct your deary photos on a unique ikon frame switch (see soul accession and try of the DX4320. Despite its undersize situation, use this Gateway DX is the most baffling tasks to recreate thanks to the AMD Phenom X4 Quad-Core Processor II, further duties and powers to execute games and savour the sensational digital media. Revel fine graphics show and plush visuals and surprising realism of today's hot games and applications with an mixed ATI Radeon HD 4250 graphics record. In increase to supplying installed 6GB DDR3 marvelous ratio of compute-intensive multi-tasking, and running recording requirements . Gateway SX2851-41 34 Gateway DX4850-45 33 Gateway DX4320-09 32 Gateway FX6850-51 31 Gateway ZX6900-49 30 Gateway ZX4351-47 29 Gateway DX4320-39

ราคา: 30,000 บาทต้องการ: ขาย
ติดต่อ: กิตติอีเมล์: 
สภาพ: มือสอง จังหวัด: กรุงเทพมหานคร
โทรศัพย์: 0851598 951IP Address: 180.183.117.xx
มือถือ: -

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