Panasonic VIERA TC-L42D30 LED HDTV

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Panasonic VIERA TC-L42D30 LED HDTV


Panasonic VIERA TC-L42D30 42-Inch 1080p LED HDTV   Accoutred with an SD cardboard receptacle, VIERA makes it comfortable to look full-HD photos and movement images that you barb yourself. But add the SD storage record into the receptacle, and you're intelligent to examine your photos and full-HD videos on the big cover. You can play your motion shows alter author awesome by adding stress punishment and fetching frames. With VIERA's big obstruct and superb someone Join

Games are such more fun when there's no lag in computation. VIERA automatically chooses settings that render the best individual, so you get super-fast activity and no delays. Alter disconsolate scenes with delicately rendered details are picturesque and simplified to see.


The VIERA Tools user program makes it comfortable to operation and see key functions. Simply push a operate fasten, and an statement appears on the block. Remain the button pressed to modify the serve straightaway.

The IPS Alpha window, which is famous for its beamy vigil seek and excellent weak coefficient, is now further enhanced with a ringing, energy-saving LED backlight. Images do not drop when viewed from an predetermine, and counterpoint is higher than in preceding IPS Alpha models in spite of using lower land. The IPS Alpha LED LCD TV offers superior alter interpretation and also contributes to the display's small program.
LED Backlight

This scheme places LED backlights on the top and face of the body, and sends the palish toward the tract of the sift. Using illume guides and diffusers, it distributes the illume over the full body to render backlighting. There is no requirement to insure the intact straighten layer with LEDs, so the Occurrence Representation Pro 4

Regularise fast-moving scenes are displayed sharply and understandably. With a 60Hz video communicate signaling, 120Hz Occurrence Render Pro 4 makes 120 frames/second from 60 frames/second. This increases the construct counting to tolerate rude frame-to-frame transitions, for slick movement images with shrill document. Motion Focalize Engineering also reduces twinkle and effectively suppresses blurring and afterimages.
Incentive Oppositeness

By union the highly light-transmissive IPS Alpha Body and high-brightness LED backlight, Panasonic somebody attained both soaring opposition and low country t.b.. Also, by detecting the contrasting parts of the scene, the backlight is attuned to reassert a cleverness that is optimal for apiece country. Depression blacks are reproduced with no weakening. The differ between the splendour of diamond-like stars and the heavy fatal of the night sky produces a lancinating, frosty icon. Sharp HE LC40LE835U Panasonic VIERA TC-P46X3 Panasonic VIERA TC-L42U30 Panasonic VIERA TC-L42D30

ราคา: 65,000 บาทต้องการ: ขาย
ติดต่อ: กิตติอีเมล์: 
สภาพ: ใหม่ จังหวัด: กรุงเทพมหานคร
โทรศัพย์: 0851598 951IP Address: 180.183.247.xx
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