LG Infinia 55LW5600 55-Inch Cinema 3D 1080p 120 Hz LED HDTV

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LG Infinia 55LW5600 55-Inch Cinema 3D 1080p 120 Hz LED HDTV


LG Infinia 55LW5600 55-Inch Cinema 3D 1080p 120 Hz LED HDTV Hope this helps. I ordered from Amazon PaulsTV Tuesday. no bs clock at 09:00 on Friday, in my living room. I found on Saturday morning. She looks good in 2D and 3D were surprised by the limited resources upconvert all 2D to 3D. which is a little bit, add a small portion of the image. and yet sweet. I have also made a claim to the . I can see 3D from any angle, except on the ground, but it can tilt and swivel mount that 10 seconds, set by the angle, if you want to spend. It is important to note, Rock overkill, since it is difficult to assess and to 167 pounds. Weight only 50 TV money for something. But the $ 100 on craigslist a lot.

I have not gone over all the possibilities, but for me it was the la TV technology at an affordable price. Glasses do not feel weird or make me sick. 15-35 U.S. dollars and the extras are worth the money TV. There is no better version, but it is available again, and a $ 3500 (last time I checked I could be wrong) are.

3D high-definition content, a semi-decision, but I have not noticed a decline in clarity. High-resolution picture looks all the time. If you find that your images so quickly and is probably looking too hard to mistake.

I do research months before I decided to buy a 3D TV. I was told that the LG at the forefront of new technology. Samsung is not far behind. Names with each other, but their products are good, and to reduce price competition with us. Thanks to South Korea. Next year they will reduce and improve the model comes out, but keep holing out you can enjoy a 3D house.

I must say I'm impressed when I first saw it demoed. I love the 3D, but I will never be as active 3D shutter set makes me dizzy and sick after about 10 minutes watching them. 3D features of this system is great. No disease, little or no eye strain and large 3D images. People complain that the way to create 3D-half, so it is not entirely clear 3D Blu-ray. I noticed the lining of the pictures when I was very close to the TV, more than I could sit comfortably. I have a complaint, though small, 3D gaming solution is obviously smaller. I just tried the game (kill zone 3), and only the shape of a real 3 percent is either the other 3D formats (CAP), it would not play better. It's been a great experience, regardless of the game .

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สภาพ: ใหม่ จังหวัด: กรุงเทพมหานคร
โทรศัพย์: 0851598 951IP Address: 180.183.196.xx
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