Yamaha RX-V667 best sellers now

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Yamaha RX-V667 best sellers now


Yamaha RX-V667 best sellers now Description: Enjoy a revolutionary home theater experience with the Yamaha RX-V667 Audio Video Receiver. With 90 watts per 7 channels, 6 HDMI inputs (including a front input), multizone support, and the la hi-def audio and HDMI specs for upscaling to 1080p, this receiver plays well with all your home theater equipment. Enjoy more than just your movies with SIRIUS-ready and yAired compatibility, as well as iPod support for album art (when connected via supported dock, sold separately). There's also a full-color GUI for controlling all the action when connected via HDMI.. SEE MORE DETAILS

ราคา: ไม่ระบุราคาต้องการ: ขาย
ติดต่อ: prapakornอีเมล์: 
สภาพ: มือสอง จังหวัด: กาฬสินธุ์
โทรศัพย์: 0816672568IP Address: 223.207.137.xx
มือถือ: -

คำค้น:  rxv667 | yamaha | ค้นหาประกาศyamaha rx |

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