Samsung LN40D630 40-Inch

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Samsung LN40D630 40-Inch


Samsung LN40D630 40-Inch Best Price To Buy Samsung LN40D630 40-Inch Order it online + Free Shipping w/ Amazon Prime! Description: Captivating images and elegant design from a TV with a crowd-pleasing style.From its crystal-clear onscreen motion to its elegant Touch of Color design, the SamsungLN40D630 LCD TV offers up plenty of visual attractions. Even the quickest action on the 40-inch LCD screen is smooth and lifelike,thanks to Samsung's Auto Motion Plus 120Hztechnology with Clear Motion Rate. Even when it's not on, the Touch of Color design - a red accent around the bezel - provides subtle yet attention-getting eye candy. A suite of connectivity technologies including All Share and Connect Share Movie - along with four HDMI inputs - turns this HDTV into a full fledged multimedia center.. >>>   Samsung UN46D6000 46-Inch, Samsung LN40D630 40-Inch, VIZIO E3D420VX 42 Inch, LG 37LV3500 37-Inch, Samsung LN46D630 46-Inch, Samsung UN46D7000 46-Inch, VIZIO XVT3D554SV 55-inch, Samsung UN55D7000 55-Inch, Samsung UN55D6000 55-Inch, LG Infinia 55LV5500 55-Inch, VIZIO M470NV 47-Inch, Panasonic-TC-P50S30-50-Inch, LG 47LK520 47-Inch, LG Infinia 47LV5500 47-Inch, Samsung UN32D6000 32-Inch


ราคา: 18,000 บาทต้องการ: ขาย
ติดต่อ: banjong kongkanอีเมล์: 
สภาพ: ใหม่ จังหวัด: กรุงเทพมหานคร
โทรศัพย์: IP Address: 119.42.125.xx
มือถือ: -
ที่อยู่: 18/7

คำค้น:  40inch | ln40d630 | samsung |

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